Planning a funeral: Tips for creating a personalised and meaningful service

Planning a funeral is something none of us are ever really prepared for. It’s an emotional time, and while the task ahead may initially feel daunting, it’s also a chance to create a special moment that truly honours a life. At Eternity Funerals, we believe in the importance of a personalised service—even when following traditional customs. After all, every person is unique, and so should their farewell be. Whether you’re planning your own funeral or saying goodbye to a loved one in Corby, Kettering or the surrounding North Northamptonshire area, here are some tips to help you plan a funeral that feels personal and meaningful.

1. Take your time—don’t rush the process

First things first: take your time. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like you need to make decisions quickly, but there’s no need to rush. Give yourself, and your family, the space to reflect on the process. Loss is heavy, and it’s okay to slow down and really think through your choices. Whether you’re selecting the music or deciding on a location, giving yourself time allows you to create a service that truly feels right.
At Eternity Funerals, we’re here to guide you through every step—offering support while you take the time you need.

2. Reflect on the person’s life and values

When it comes to personalisation, it’s all about reflecting on the life of the person. What made them who they were? Did they love nature? Were they a foodie? A music lover? A dedicated parent or volunteer? Think about the values, hobbies, and passions that define their life.

You could add personal touches, for example, if someone had a passion for gardening, consider distributing flower or seed packets to each guest as a symbolic gesture. Alternatively, if they were deeply involved in a particular hobby, you might showcase items related to that hobby during the service to reflect what brought them joy.

3. Choose a venue with meaning

Funerals often take place in traditional settings—churches, cemeteries, or crematoriums —but that doesn’t mean you’re limited to those options. You could hold the service in a location that had special meaning, like a social club, sports venue, or even their own garden.

At Eternity Funerals we work with families in Corby and North Northamptonshire to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, while still respecting traditions. Even if you choose a more conventional location, adding personal touches—like favourite colours or displaying meaningful objects—can make all the difference.

4. Personalise the ceremony

A celebrant will play a crucial role in this by crafting a beautiful ceremony. Even the most traditional services can be infused with personality! Think about what would make the person smile. Maybe instead of a poem, you could share something unique to them—like a series of their funniest texts or social media posts. Was there a song that always had them singing along or dancing in the kitchen? A live musical performance of that song could add a heartfelt and memorable touch to the service.

You could also invite multiple friends and family members to share a light-hearted memory. Those personal moments and shared memories often turn a sombre event into a true celebration of life, reminding everyone of the joy and love that person brought into the world.

5. Incorporate interactive elements

Bringing a sense of togetherness to a funeral can help everyone feel more connected during such a difficult time. One beautiful way to do this is by adding interactive elements that allow guests to actively participate in honouring someone. A memory table, for example, can be set up where people can leave notes, photos, or mementos that remind them of the person. You might also create a photo or video montage to play during the service, celebrating their life through images and shared memories.

For families with children, involving them in the process can be incredibly meaningful and calming. A recent customer suggested having children in the family decorate the coffin (cardboard) before the ceremony. By giving them a creative role in designing something so significant, the coffin becomes less intimidating and more of something they can feel proud of. When children are more relaxed, it can also help the adults around them feel more at ease, fostering a sense of comfort and connection.

7. Blend tradition with a personal touch

For those who want to honour religious or cultural traditions, there’s still plenty of room for personal touches. At Eternity Funerals, we believe it’s about finding a balance between tradition and personalisation.

For example, you might choose traditional hymns for a religious service but include personal readings, photographs, or symbolic gestures that reflect your loved one’s personality. It’s a thoughtful way to respect both the faith and the individual.

8. After the funeral

The reception or gathering after the funeral is a wonderful opportunity to continue celebrating someone in a way that truly reflects them. This can be as simple as serving their favourite foods or drinks, displaying cherished photos or personal items, or playing music that was meaningful to them. Some families even prepare a signature dish their loved one was known for cooking, allowing everyone to share in the tastes and aromas that bring back fond memories.

To make the day even more unique, consider showcasing their hobbies. If someone was passionate about dancing, you could arrange a special dance display—perhaps by inviting a local dance group or family members to perform a routine that captures their favourite style. For sport lovers, why not set up a football goal or some other interactive element? Guests could take shots or participate in a fun activity that brings lightness and connection to the day. These small but significant gestures not only honour what brought joy to Somone’s life but also help guests feel engaged and uplifted, turning a difficult day into one filled with warmth, love, and cherished memories.

Final thoughts

Planning a funeral is never easy, but it’s also an opportunity to reflect on the life someone has led. By incorporating personal touches and taking time to think through every detail, you can create a service that feels meaningful to you, your family, and all who attend.

At Eternity Funerals, we believe every life is worth celebrating. We’re here to help you in a way that truly reflects someone’s unique story, even within the framework of a traditional service. Through personalised choices, you can turn a difficult day into one that helps keep a person’s memory alive.

With Love,
Matthew and Katie